Mednarodna konferenca Best Practices in European Family and Succession Law: 12. – 13. december

Vljudno vabljeni k udeležbi na mednarodni konferenci Best Practices in European Family and Succession Law, ki bo na Pravni fakulteti Univerze v Ljubljani potekala ta konec tedna, 12. in 13. decembra 2019.

Udeležba na konferenci, ki je organizirana v okviru mednarodnega projekta Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law (PSEFS), je brezplačna in ne terja predhodne elektronske prijave. 

Za vse dodatne informacije se prosim obrnite na

Lep pozdrav do četrtka!
PSEFS Ljubljana

The Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, kindly invites you to attend the international conference on Best Practices in European Family and Succession Law, held at the Faculty of Law this end of the week, from December 12 to December 13 2019. 

Attendance at the conference, which is organized within the international project Personalized Solution in European Family and Succession Law (PSEFS), is free of charge and requires no prior e-application.

For any additional information please refer to

See you on Thursday!
PSEFS Ljubljana