Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana has an established tutoring system for many years. It is based on voluntariness and self-initiative of higher class students with the desire to help younger colleagues in their studies. Tutoring is provided in four different forms:
- introductory tutoring,
- subject tutoring,
- tutoring for the students with special needs,
- tutoring for foreign students
- tutoring for student athletes.
Subject tutoring meetings take place on regular level (an average once per week) and are extremely well attended. Buddy students/tutors for foreign students take care of students on Erasmus and other forms of students exchange as well as for foreign students who carry out the entire study at the faculty.
Tutoring is fully coordinated from the teaching staff (in case of tutoring for foreign students also by the International Relations Office), namely, through the Commission for tutoring. Subject tutoring is coordinated by a student coordinator tutor, while tutoring for foreign students by a student coordinator for foreign students. They are responsible for the proper functioning of tutoring and present a link between the tutors and teaching staff at the faculty.
More information and contacts is available at: http://www.pf.uni-lj.si/i-stopnja/tutorstvo/