2. obvestilo za APT – ELT – English Legal Terminology – Prof. Robert Turk (2. in 3. l.)

APT – ELT – English Legal Terminology – Prof. Robert Turk

Izredni Program Students-Prof. Turk will have one last special lesson to discuss Contracts cases from our APT materials & some areas of Property/Procedure: 14:oo-15:30 Tuesday (torek) Seminar room 4 (klet).

Izredni Program Students - Information for students writing the 26 April 2012 and later exams terms.
ALL students planning to write ANY Test or Exam MUST be registered via ŠIS to come/write. So please don't forget to register OR to take your name OFF the list in a timely manner, if your plans change.
Prof. Turk has told those Izredni students who sent him a reply e-mail (as he asked in a recent PF notice in the last days) that he wants all students to focus now only on passing the 26 April exam, and that any remaining assignments not yet delivered can be delivered NO later than their Oral Exam. (This offer was made only to Izredni Program students writing the 26 April exam, and not for later exams. For all future exams in May and June, students are required to deliver all assignments NO later than one week before that exam. (But for September exam, assignments will be due no later than the start of the written exam 6 Sept.).
Other information only relevant to Izredni Program students writing 26 April exam (or later exam)
Izredni Program Students-Prof. Turk will have one last special lesson to discuss Contracts cases from our materials, some areas of Property/Procedure: 14:oo-15:30 Tuesday (torek) Seminar room 4 (klet).

The 26 April 2012 APT Written Exam will be based only on: -our classnotes about Private Law: Tort Law, Contract Law, Property Law (simply about the various kinds of property, etc., as discussed in class); and -our files on ŠIS-gradiva on Torts and Contracts including the subjects of Torts and Contracts. . BUT your ORAL exam could include questions from both Public Law and Private Law, especially those areas which were problematic on your written test and exam, as well as new questions. Your Oral Exam could also include questions from the Court Procedure file that Prof. Turk will put on ŠIS this week.
You will have a chance to choose having your Oral Exam date either: first or second week of May 2012.