APT ( BOTH IZredni and REDNI Programs )

IZREDNI Study Program: APT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk
There will be NO lecture or class meeting of the APT / ELT course
for the IZredni Program on Thursday (22 March 2012),
due to illness of Prof. Turk.

Please watch for any update later today or early tomorrow (Friday) about when the
next APT class meeting (in the Izredni Program) will be held.

Prof. Turk will add new reading files on ŠIS in the next day(s).

REDNI Study Program: APT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk
There will be NO lecture or class meeting of the APT / ELT course
for the Redni Program on Thursday (22 March 2012),
due to illness of Prof. Turk.

Prof. Turk will add new reading files on ŠIS in the next day(s).