APT - ELT (English Legal Terminology) - Prof. Robert Turk (2. in 3. l.)

NO lecture/lesson on Thursday this week.
Our APT kolokvij will be scheduled during our normal classtime on Thursday 19 April,
so we will NOT have our lecture/lesson that day.

Students coming to write the 'kolokvij' that day MUST follow this order (see below, no exceptions, please):

ALL Students with 'priimek' A to KO must be waiting outside the Violet room door at 13:50
so we can start the test/kolokvij. (This means all those students, from Izredni & Redni Programs.)

ALL Students with 'priimek' KR to Ž must be waiting outside the Violet room door at 14:55
so we can start their test/kolokvij. (This means all those students, from Izredni & Redni Programs.)

IF for any reason you cannot come to the kolokvij (even though you have already registered, etc.)
then please CONTACT Prof. Turk immediately by e-mail so he can take your name OFF,
so you will NOT be expected that day. Other 'kolokvij' dates will be offered in May, June...

ONLY students truly prepared to write successfully should come, since as previously repeated,
this grade will count significantly to your Final Course Grade in APT/ELT.

Good luck !