APT - ELT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk (2. in 3. l.)

Below is a notice involving both IZredni and Redni Programs, so read carefully.

On Monday 16 April 2012 (exactly 14:oo-15:45) in Seminar room #2,
Prof. Turk plans to have another lesson with IZredni Program students
(especially those planning to write the 19 April kolokvij and/or the 26 April Written Exam which is only for Izredni Progarm).
Prof. Turk will help you to understand some tort & contract cases
(which will be put on ŠIS over this weekend for your preparation).
Students will also have a chance to ask questions, etc.


As has been repeated over and over again...
ALL students MUST register via ŠIS for ANY kolokvij or exam.
NO exceptions please... NO one is allowed to write without registration.
AFTER Friday 13 April, no more names will be added to the registration
list for the 19 April kolokvij... Just sign-up for a later kolokvij in May/June.

Students who realize that they are not well enough prepared to write
the 19 April kolokvij are asked to wait until the next ones (May/June),
and to contact Prof. Turk to take their name OFF the kolokvij list from
their ŠIS registration, as soon as possible.


Additional info & files will be put on ŠIS-gradiva late Friday/early Sat.


Prof. Turk will bring the Research Assignment topic lists for students
to 'reserve' topics at lessons on Monday (16 Ap. see above), Tuesday,
and Thursday.
