APT / ELT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk

Information below for both IZredni and Redni Program Students

Izredni Program APT Students:
Because we worked dilligently for extra hours, early in our Lecture Schedule, 
we will NOT meet on the next scheduled date, so no lesson Friday 29 March.   

Our next scheduled meeting is Monday 8 April.  Keep checking on ŠIS-gradiva   
for any new APT course and exam information, and study files for exams.


Redni Program APT Students:
Our next lesson on Thursday 28 March will be 'non-obligatory', meaning that 
material from that day will not be tested/examined in the APT course.  But 
you are invited to attend to enrich your knowledge of ELT, and so will view a 
documentary of interest.   Keep checking on ŠIS-gradiva for any new APT
course and exam information, and study files for exams.
