APT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk

APT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk

Note: As previously written, the next meeting of our course will be on Thursday 9 February;
(we will not meet on Tuesday 7 Feb.). But always watch for any schedule changes.
Sometimes we will have certain writing or reading assignments in connection with our various course topics; Prof. Turk is compiling that list of APT assignments, the first of which is described below.)

All APT students (both redni & izredni) are invited to our NEXT class meeting on:
Thursday (cetrtek) 9 February 2011
(but please watch for any late changes to our day/hour/room).
To prepare, students should print the English text of the UN Universal Declaration of Human Rights (1948)
at www.un.org/en/documents/udhr
and the Slovenian text of the Declaration, which you can obtain at the above internet site, by clicking 'resources'.

For your first APT assignment (which you can deliver on Thursday 9 February OR at class the following week)
1. Compare the English and Slovenian texts of the Declaration. Then make a list of all English words which are unfamiliar to you. Print that list on your computer if possible (rather than hand-writing your list), and deliver it at our next class (9 Feb.). Note that you need only to make your list of unfamiliar English words: you do not need to define those words, etc. for Prof. Turk, but hopefully you will look for the meaning of those unfamiliar words, and so try to build your own vocabulary.
2. Then on a separate printed page, answer these questions:
-What is a 'preamble' and what is its purpose in this Declaration?
-How many articles are in this Declaration?
-How could you sub-divide these articles into various groups to help you remember the kind of rights involved? Write how.
-Can you think of more than one way to sub-divide these articles into different groups? How?
-Since this was designed to be a 'universal' declaration for 'Everyone, Everywhere', can you imagine which words or ideas could have been the most problematic in finding agreement among many different peoples/states in the United Nations? Try to give some examples.

For all written assignment that you deliver to Prof. Turk in the APT course:
put these 3 lines at the top (left side) of the first page only:
Your PRIIMEK, your IME (Redni or Izredni Program)
English Legal Terminology (Prof. Robert Turk)
University of Ljubljana Law Faculty
put these 3 lines at the top (right side) of the first page only:
Date Delivered:________
Spring/Summer Term 2012
Assignment #1

(Note that by using the above format, you will facilitate reading/handling of your assignments. Write all 3 lines exactly as above on the top left & top right) of page one of your assignment, but filling-in your own name and hand-writing your delivery date.)
