APT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk (2. in 3.l.)

APT - English Legal Terminology - Prof. Robert Turk

Prof. Turk will not have 'office hours' on Monday 7 May 2012.

He will have 'office hours' on:
-- Tuesday (8 May 2012) at 13:50 in his office on the 4th floor.

-- Thursday (10 May 2012) at 11:oo in his office.

-- Monday (14 May 2012) from 11:oo to 12:oo NOON (Sharp!) which is our DEADLINE for delivery of all APT Assignments for students registered to write the APT Written Exam on Monday 21 May.

REMEMBER: you must register for any test or exam, and you must deliver all assignments NO less than one week before written exams in May or June.

Be sure to watch for any new notices on ŠIS at gradiva.
