APT/ELT - Prof. Robert Turk - Information below about next 'office hours', next lessons, assignments, etc.


 Information about NEXT office hours will be put on ŠIS-gradiva this week.

 Our next lessons in the APT course will be:

 At 12:15 on Thursday 4 April 2013 (Violet room).

(Check ŠIS on the evening before, for any new info.)

As mentioned in class, we will have a guest visiting.  


At 12:oo noon on Tuesday 9 April 2013 (Red room)

(Check ŠIS over the weekend before, for any new info.)


At 12:oo noon on Thursday 11 April 2013  (Violet room)

(Check ŠIS on the evening before, for any new info.)


Any new info about our assignments will be put on ŠIS-gradiva.  

(Prof. Turk expects to leave the APT assignment topic lists in

Referat later this week, where students can sign-up for topics,

only after first checking if NO other colleague already has that

topic. He will notify students here when the Lists are there.)