Nova inovativna aplikacija za učenje jezikov za pravnike in študente prava - vabilo k uporabi testne verzije

S tehnološkega startup podjetja Lawlingual Ltd so na naše študente naslovili naslednje povabilo:

Dear law students at the University of Ljubljana! 
My name is Brad Varley, and I am co-founder of Lawlingual Ltd, a legal tech startup with an innovative new language-learning app for lawyers and law students. It's called 'Lex9 - English for Lawyers'.

With a deep understanding of how challenging English can be in cross-border legal settings, we developed an app that combines interactive exercises, gamification features, and practical multimedia content for legal professionals. It is similar to Duolingo but starts at a higher level (B1). 

We are currently engaging with a select group of law schools to participate in our beta testing phase. By joining our test user group, you will have unlimited access to the app and the unique opportunity to shape the app's development with your valuable feedback

Please feel free to contact me at if you have any questions or if you are interested in becoming a beta tester. 

More information about lex9 is available on our website, and the lex9 app is available on the Apple Store and Google Play. 

I hope to hear from you soon! 

 Best regards, Brad