Vabljeni na seminar z naslovom US Criminal Procedure: Traditional Criminal Courts and Alternative Treatment Courts in the U.S.

Vse, ki Vas zanimajo praktični vidiki ameriškega pravosodnega sistema, vljudno vabim na tridnevni seminar z naslovom 

US Criminal Procedure:

Traditional Criminal Courts and Alternative Treatment Courts in the U.S.  

Seminar bo vodil sodnik Frank J. LaBuda, New York Supreme Court,

Sullivan County, New York. 

Seminar bo potekal

v dneh od 14. do vključno 16. oktobra 2013

na Pravni fakulteti v Ljubljani, v seminarju št. 3 po priloženem programu. 

Svoje prijave za seminar pošljite v tajništvo dekanata (ge. Nevenki Mehle) na elektronski naslov:

Seminar, ki ga je finančno omogočilo ameriško veleposlaništvo v Sloveniji, bo brezplačen in bo potekal v angleščini. 

Število udeležencev je omejeno na 30. 

Vljudno vabljeni 

Janez Kranjc

Day 1 (October 14) 
Presentation of a 40 minute video of a court session (regarding a guilty plea with a waiver of trial, constitutional rights and the right to appeal in a felony criminal case).

 Discussion on
1. Constitutional Right to be charged by a Grand Jury Indictment.
2. Presumption of Innocence.
3. Jury’s function in Criminal Proceedings.
4. 5th Amendment - Right to Counsel.
5. Criminal Conviction (Felony vs. Misdemeanor).
6. Plea Bargain between Prosecution and Defense.
7. Superior Courts vs. Town Criminal Courts Jurisdiction
8. Waiver of Rights

Day 2 (October 15) 
Criminal appellate Process of criminal convictions. Presentation of a case highlighting at least five (5) common issues raised in Criminal jury trial.

Day 3 (October 16)
1. Alternate Courts
2. Drug Courts
3. Judicial Diversion
4. Domestic Violence Courts
5. Juvenile Courts

Practical Exercise for the American Response to Social Deviancy.

Students will be divided into 3 groups (Judge, Prosecutor, Defense) and be presented with a fact pattern to determine jurisdiction, Plea Bargain Drug Court and/or other Alternatives.