Program mentoriranja EURAXESS

Univerza v Ljubljani v sodelovanju z mrežo EURAXESS organizira webinar za Program mentoriranja, ki poteka prek spleta (EURAXESS online mentoring program), ki je namenjen vsem  raziskovalcem na UL, vključno z doktorskimi študenti.

Potekal bo v torek, 5. 3. 2024, od 14:00 do 15:30, v angleškem jeziku prek Zooma:

Namen webinarja je predstaviti Program mentoriranja, ki je orodje, namenjeno tako mentorjem kot mentorirancem in vzpodbuditi aktivno uporabo tega orodja tudi med raziskovalci na UL.

Več o vsebini dogodka je v priponki EURAXESS Mentoring Program Meeting Agenda.

Registracija za webinar ni potrebna. Prosimo shranite si datum in uro v svoj Outlook koledar - s klikom na Outlookovo priponko on-line Mentoring program EURAXESS.

V priponki Mentoring flyer je povezava do spletne strani, kjer se lahko mentorji in mentoriranci registrirajo v program.


Udeležence programa bomo ob koncu webinarja zaprosili za povratne informacije o programu.


Lep pozdrav,

Univerzitetna služba za doktorski študij




Dear doctoral students,


The University of Ljubljana (UL), in cooperation with the EURAXESS network, is organizing an webinar on EURAXESS online mentoring program for all UL researchers, including doctoral students.

The webinar will take place on Tuesday, March 5 2024, from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM in English via Zoom:

The aim of the webinar is to present the EURAXESS mentoring program/tool, which is designed for both mentors and mentees, and to encourage its active use among UL researchers.

More information about the content of the event can be found in the attached document EURAXESS Mentoring Program Meeting Agenda.

No registration is required for the webinar. Please save the date and time in your Outlook calendar by clicking on the Outlook attachment on-line Mentoring program EURAXESS.

The attached Mentoring flyer contains a link to the registration form for the mentoring program.


At the end of the webinar, we will ask participants for their feedback on the webinar.


Best regards,

University Office for Doctoral Study