Vabilo Pravne fakultete Univerze v Augsburgu (Nemčija) - Augsburg Graduate Conference in Law

Z naše partnerske pravne fakultete iz Augsburga smo prejeli spodnje povabilo, namenjeno vsem doktorskim študentom in mlajšim pedagogom in raziskovalcem (dodatne informacije pa najdete v pripeti datoteki):

We would like to inform you that our Faculty of Law is organizing the Augsburg Graduate Conference in Law. The graduate law conference is addressed to young academics and researchers who wish to pursue an academic career. The conference provides scholars with a unique forum to present their academic work, exchange innovative ideas and engage in a scholarly discussion. The potential participants are encouraged to use this opportunity to develop an international academic network to advance their careers.

The theme of the conference is The New Law – Suggestions for Reforms and Improvements of Existing Legal Norms and Principles. We are attaching the Call for Papers for your information.

We would like to ask you to forward this email to your post graduate law students, particularly your doctoral and post-doctoral candidates.

We are looking forward to receiving abstracts from your university's doctoral and post-doctoral candidates.

Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.