CIFE Summer University Programme

Posredujemo vabilo na različne poletne programe, ki jih organizira Université d’été de la Mer Adriatique:

"Dear Sirs,
Please find here-attached the programme of the CIFE “Université d’été de la Mer Adriatique”. As this Session will take place in Ljubljana (Slovenia), the students of the University of Ljubljana who want to participate only in classes, they can join the course FOR FREE.
For those who come from the Balkans area, there is the price  promotion still valid: the cost of the Summer Sessions in North Macedonia, Georgia and Albania is 150 € ALL INCLUDED (registration fees, studying and living expenses, i.e. hotel, breakfasts and lunches).
For any further information, please feel free to contact us at your earliest convenience. Few places left.
Please, send this program to people interested in.
Best regards
Centre international de formation européenne (CIFE)
81 rue de France, L'Adriatic

F – 06000 Nice

Tél.: +33 (0)4 93 97 93 72

Tél.: (+39) 3248295710

E-mail : – "

Z Univerze v Ljubljani so nam sporočili, da naj bi bila udeležba  za študente Univerze v Ljubljani brezplačna.

V pripeth datotekah spletne oglasne deske lahko najdete podrobnejše informacije o programih.