Special Issue, Vol. 2020
Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, Volume 80 (2020) - Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights
ISSN (print edition): 1854-3839
ISSN (online edition): 2464-0077
Contents: PDF
Ane Aranguiz
A New Wave of Solidarity in a Sea of Economic Interests: Can the Pillar Sail in the Asymmetric Tides Between the Internal Market and the Social Dimension of the EU?
Novi val solidarnosti v morju ekonomskih interesov: ali je plovba Evropskega stebra socialnih pravic med notranjim trgom in socialno dimenzijo EU lahko uspešna?
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Cite as:
Aranguiz, Ane: A New Wave of Solidarity in a Sea of Economic Interests: Can the Pillar Sail in the Asymmetric Tides Between the Internal Market and the Social Dimension of the EU?, in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 80 (2020) - Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights, pp. 17-40,
URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr.2020.psv.aranguiz.pdf
Luka Mišič
Equality of Opportunity in the EU: Rethinking the European Pillar of Social Rights in Light of Free Movement as a Supranational Principle of Justice
Enakost v priložnosti v EU: razmislek o Evropskem stebru socialnih pravic v luči svobode gibanja kot nadnacionalnega načela pravičnosti
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Cite as:
Mišič, Luka: Equality of Opportunity in the EU: Rethinking the European Pillar of Social Rights in Light of Free Movement as a Supranational Principle of Justice, in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 80 (2020) - Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights, pp. 41 – 76,
URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr.2020.psv.misic.pdf
Primož Rataj
Employee’s “Working Obligation” for a Certain Period or Alternative Costs’ Reimbursement Resulting from Employer’s Provision of Specific Training or Financing of Education
Delavčeva obveznost nadaljnje zaposlitve za določeno obdobje
ali povrnitev stroškov, povezanih z delodajalčevim nanciranjem usposabljanja ali izobraževanja
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Cite as:
Rataj, Primož: Employee’s “Working Obligation” for a Certain Period or Alternative Costs’ Reimbursement Resulting from Employer’s Provision of Specific Training or Financing of Education, in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 80 (2020) - Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights, pp. 77– 100,
URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr.2020.psv.rataj.pdf
Sara Bagari
The European Pillar of Social Rights – An EU-level Response to the Social Protection of the (Economically) Dependent Self-Employed?
Evropski steber socialnih pravic – odziv na zagotavljanje socialne zaščite ekonomsko odvisnih samozaposlenih na ravni EU
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Cite as:
Bagari, Sara: The European Pillar of Social Rights – An EU-level Response to the Social Protection of the (Economically) Dependent Self-Employed?, in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 80 (2020) - Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights, pp. 101– 118,
URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr.2020.psv.bagari.pdf
Peter Schöffmann
The Case of Alpenrind – The Posting of Workers and the Binding Nature of Portable Document A1
Zadeva Alpenrind – o zavezujoči naravi prenosnega dokumenta A1 v primeru čezmejne napotitve delavcev
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Cite as:
Schöffmann, Peter: The Case of Alpenrind – The Posting of Workers and the Binding Nature of Portable Document A1, in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 80 (2020) - Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights, pp. 119– 132,
URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr.2020.psv.schoffmann.pdf
Silvia Rainone
The European Pillar of Social Rights – Tell Me Where You Come from and I Will Tell You Who You Are
Evropski steber socialnih pravic – povej mi, od kod prihajaš, in povem ti, kdo si
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Cite as:
Rainone, Silvia: The European Pillar of Social Rights – Tell Me Where You Come from and I Will Tell You Who You Are, in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 80 (2020) - Perspectives on the European Pillar of Social Rights, pp. 133– 156,
URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr.2020.psv.rainone.pdf

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Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, Volume 80 (2020), was published with the financial assistance of the Slovenian Research Agency.