1st cycle
1st cycle – University Programme in Law (undergraduate)
The first-cycle study programme lasts four years and comprises 240 ECTS. Students who fulfil all the obligations required by the study programme receive the professional title diplomirani pravnik (UN) or diplomirana pravnica (UN).
The basic goal of the first-cycle university study programme in Law is to form the professional profile of an expert who will be able to work independently in any legal profession that does not require taking the State Bar Examination. Students whose goal is to take the State Bar Examination are provided a quality basis for further studies according to the second-cycle study specification. Typical professions for the profile of a graduate in the first-cycle university study programme in Law are those in economics, administration with the possibility of conducting administrative proceedings, and secondary legal professions.
All additional information on the first-cycle university study programme in Law is available at the Students' affairs office for undergraduate studies (Referat za dodiplomski študij) at the Faculty of Law.
Information for foreign citizens
Information on the application and enrolment procedure, enrolment requirements, criteria for selection and the study programmes offered by the University of Ljubljana can be found in the annual Call for Enrolment. A copy can be obtained from the Higher Education Application-Information Service:
Visokošolska prijavno-informacijska služba Univerze v Ljubljani /The Higher Education Application and Information Service of the University of Ljubljana
Kongresni trg 12
p.p. 524
SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Tel.: + 386 1 241-85-05, +386 1 241-85-08
Fax: + 386 1 241-86-71
E-mail: tanja.zuzek@uni-lj.si, alenka.suligoj@uni-lj.si
Website: http://www.uni-lj.si/study/
Tuition fees
Foreign citizens from non-EU countries are obliged to pay tuition fees for undergraduate courses. As a rule, the tuition fee must be paid in full for the current year of study upon enrolment at the faculty.
The amount of the tuition fee is set by the higher education institution and is the same as the tuition fee for part-time courses for citizens of the Republic of Slovenia. The price list is available at the following website:
The tuition fee does not include the mandatory health insurance. This has to be settled before the start of study.
Recognition of education
Foreign citizens and Slovenians without Slovenian citizenship who have completed secondary school abroad may enrol in the first year of study at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana if they meet the following requirements:
- completed four-year secondary school,
- completed procedure for the recognition of foreign secondary education certificates and the obtained decision on the recognition of foreign education for the purpose of continued studies in university or higher education professional study programmes,
- knowledge of the Slovenian language.
More information is available at the website of the University of Ljubljana: https://www.uni-lj.si/study/application_and_admission_procedures/
Tuition Language
All lectures and seminar classes at the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana are held in Slovenian, so mastering the Slovenian language is extremely important, not just for successful studies, using Slovenian textbooks and understanding and communication with lecturers, but also for communicating with your academic colleagues.
First Cycle University Program in Law – Presentation Booklet