HOPe is a student association operating within the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, with the goal to encourage law students to approach their studies in an interdisciplinary manner and develop a sense of student community. It aims to raise awareness about the impact that people who practice law have on society.
Some students face different difficulties during their studies, others just want to enrich their studies with knowledge from other fields. With that in mind, HOPe has always been encouraging personal development of law experts-to be.
HOPe participates in different charity events and organises interesting lectures with influential guest speakers. Every year the older members practice introduction tutoring for students who are in their first year of law studies. They help the new students by sharing experiences, teaching them different study styles and methods, introducing them to how to study law in general, how to behave on oral exams, how to plan exam periods and other useful skills for the first and upcoming years of studies.
HOPe wishes to encourage active life of law students beyond the walls of faculty, keeping their minds open to new ideas and inspiring them to be progressive participants in the social dialogue regarding law. The main idea is that all law students should be aware of morality and righteousness of law, not only during their studies, but during their practice of law as well.
For any further questions or joining HOPe contact us on our facebook page (Društvo HOPe) or our e-mail address (hope.jurist@gmail.com).