Pegius, a house choir of the Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, is a mixed choir, named after the first Slovenian lawyer martin Pegius. It was established in the academic year 2006/2007 at the initiative of the Students' organisation of the Faculty of Law in Ljubljana. It brought together law students and lawyers who loved to sing and who made sure the choir became a household name at the graduation ceremonies and other events at the Faculty of Law. In addition, the choir also takes part in concerts outside of the Faculty, such as at the event of »Ljubljanski zbori«, where all choirs in Ljubljana come together, and »študentski zbori«, a gathering and concert of all students' choir. The choir also partook in the celebrations marking the 90th anniversary of its alma mater and the 40th anniversary of Slovenian Judges' Association. In few years, Pegius has become a tradition and has been ever since attracting not just young lawyers but also students and graduates from elsewhere.
In the choir there currently sing around 25 singers, meeting at rehearsals every Wednesday between October and May at 6 pm at the red lecture hall or one of the smaller lecture halls at the Faculty of Law. The season ends with the traditional annual concert at the Faculty.
The choir was established with the aim of socializing while creating music and its members are glad to welcome anyone who wishes to sing in good company. The musical selection of the choir is very versatile and the choir exudes a friendly and youthful energy, especially on stage.
The choir's first conductor was Miro Kokolj who also made the arrangement for the choir's very first song, an adaptation of Gilber Becaud's »L'important c'est la rose«. Two years later, the artistic leadership passed to Tadeja Lapajne, in the study year 2010/2011 she was replaced by conductress and oboist Ana Leban and in October 2015, the conductress of the choir became Lucija Cep.
Pegius is always open to welcome new members because (s)he who sings means well!
For any further questions contact us on our facebook page.