7th Young European Law Scholars Conference (YELS)
After the successful 6th edition of the Young European Law Scholars (YELS) Conference held at University of Maastricht, the 7th annual YELS Conference will be held on 6-7 June 2024 at Faculty of Law, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.
We invite young scholars of European law (i.e. scholars who have not yet secured a full professorship) to come together and discuss the resilience of the EU constitutional legal order in times of crises. In keeping with the format of previous YELS conferences, scholars whose papers are selected will be given the opportunity to present their work at the conference and to receive dedicated, individualised feedback on their paper from a distinguished scholar in the field of European law, followed by a plenary discussion of the paper.
The title of the Conference is ‘A Union of Crises: In Search of Constitutional Resilience’. The Conference aims to take stock of the plurality of crises the Union has experienced; to critically reflect on the differences and commonalities in how the EU and other actors have responded to these crises; and to explore whether a meta-narrative of EU crisis law and governance that transcends the specificities of each individual crisis situation can be developed. The overarching goal of this exploration is to better understand and evaluate the constitutional resilience and the ability of the EU to react to past, present and future crises and disruptions. More specific questions and topics are included in the Call.
The Call is open until 31 January 2024. Those, whose abstracts will be selected for the conference will be required to submit a full paper by 30 April 2024. The papers will be sent to expert commentators before the Conference. The organisers will strive to publish a selection of the presented papers in a special issue of an international journal or an edited volume.
The Conference is convened by assist. Jaka Kukavica, LL.M. (Cambridge, UK; EUI, Italy) and assist. dr. Marjan Kos.
To contact the conveners, send an email to yels2024@pf.uni-lj.si.