Katja Štemberger Brizani, PhD, Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor
+386 1 42 03 168, room 314
Member of:
Department of Administrative Law
Undergraduate programme: Administrative law
Master's programme: Administrative law and procedure
Doctoral programme: Administrative law, Introduction to administrative science, Public administration development, Public services and EU law
Master's programme: Administrative law and procedure
Doctoral programme: Administrative law, Introduction to administrative science, Public administration development, Public services and EU law
Office Hours:
Wed 9.00 - 10.30, email announcement
Member of the Administrative Board
Member of the Development Pillar Financing Commission
Co-mentor of the Data Protection Moot Court
Mentor of the Legal clinic on public procurement, concessions and public-private partnerships
Member of the Development Pillar Financing Commission
Co-mentor of the Data Protection Moot Court
Mentor of the Legal clinic on public procurement, concessions and public-private partnerships