One-stop access to Slovene libraries - COBISS+
Beck Online
Only available within the library premises (from the library computers).
RDB - Rechtsdatenbank Manz
Only available within the library premises (from the library computers).
Access available to library members with a password.
Only available within the library premises (from the library computers).
Westlaw International Materials
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Jus Mundi – Academic Research
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Jus Mundi – Academic Research is a comprehensive and intelligent search engine for international law and arbitration. It covers over 60,000 documents including investment arbitration, commercial arbitration, public international law, law of the sea, and international trade law. Its user-friendly interface offers several advanced linguistic features and more than 25 filters to narrow down search criteria.
Oxford Reports on International Law
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Max Planck Encyclopedias of International Law
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Oxford Scholarly Editions Online
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Basilica Online (Brill)
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Lexicon of Greek Grammarians of Antiquity (Brill)
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics (Brill)
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
International Encyclopedia of Comparative Law Online (Brill)
Remote access available to students and staff of the Faculty of Law
Brill's New Pauly
Only available within the library premises (from the library computers).
Only available within the library premises (from the library computers).
L'Année philologique - APh
Only available within the library premises (from the library computers).
Academic Search Complete (EBSCO)
Remote access available to all library members at the University of Ljubljana, Central Technical Library, and National and University Library
Digital Library of the University of Ljubljana - DiKUL
Academic Digital Collection of Slovenia - ADZ
Mrežnik (catalog of electronic resources, Academic Digital Collection, remote access)
Directory of Open Access Journals - DOAJ
Directory of Open Access Books - DOAB
List of Slovenian laws and regulations in English
United Nations Treaty Series Online
Court of Justice of the European Union
European Court of Human Rights