UNODC Career Webinar - Vabilo na spletni seminar Urada ZN za droge in kriminal (26. 4. 2023 ob 15. uri)
Urad Združenih narodov za droge in kriminal (UNODC), ki deluje v okviru sekretariata Združenih narodov s sedežem na Dunaju, potrebuje kadrovske okrepitve in trenutno izvaja več dejavnosti ozaveščanja in pobud za nadaljnje privabljanje kandidatov, še posebej iz premalo zastopanih držav članic, tudi Slovenije.
Za študente Univerze v Ljubljani, posebej za študente prava, politologije in mednarodnih odnosov, bo UNODC v sredo, 26. aprila 2023, ob 15. uri organiziral spletni seminar, na katerem bodo predstavljene karierne možnosti v njihovem uradu.
Vljudno vabljeni k udeležbi!
Potrebna je prijava na povezavi TUKAJ ali preko QR kode, ki jo najdete v pripeti datoteki.
Uradno vabilo najdete spodaj (v angleškem jeziku).
UNODC Career Webinar
Are you a student or young professional interested in pursuing a career at the United Nations? Curious to understand what opportunities exist and what to pay attention to in your application? Come and join our upcoming online career webinar to learn about entry level opportunities at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)! You'll gain valuable insights into the organization's mission, culture, and recruitment process. This is your chance to explore exciting career paths and get a head start on your job search.
The online webinar will take place on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 15:00.
Register now to secure your spot through this link or through the QR code, which you can see attached. Registered participant will receive the login details separately a day before the webinar.
We look forward to seeing you!
The UNODC Recruitment Team
Za študente Univerze v Ljubljani, posebej za študente prava, politologije in mednarodnih odnosov, bo UNODC v sredo, 26. aprila 2023, ob 15. uri organiziral spletni seminar, na katerem bodo predstavljene karierne možnosti v njihovem uradu.
Vljudno vabljeni k udeležbi!
Potrebna je prijava na povezavi TUKAJ ali preko QR kode, ki jo najdete v pripeti datoteki.
Uradno vabilo najdete spodaj (v angleškem jeziku).
UNODC Career Webinar
Are you a student or young professional interested in pursuing a career at the United Nations? Curious to understand what opportunities exist and what to pay attention to in your application? Come and join our upcoming online career webinar to learn about entry level opportunities at the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC)! You'll gain valuable insights into the organization's mission, culture, and recruitment process. This is your chance to explore exciting career paths and get a head start on your job search.
The online webinar will take place on Wednesday, 26 April 2023 at 15:00.
Register now to secure your spot through this link or through the QR code, which you can see attached. Registered participant will receive the login details separately a day before the webinar.
We look forward to seeing you!
The UNODC Recruitment Team