Poletna šola VIU 2022: Migration and Gender - Legal and Literary Perspective
Med 16. in 21. majem 2022 bo v Benetkah pod okriljem VIU (Venice International University), katerega članica je tudi Univerza v Ljubljani, organizirana poletna šola na temo migracij in spola.
Prijavijo se lahko zainteresirani študentje magistrske in doktorske stopnje.
Kotizacija za udeležbo za študente z univerz, ki so članice VIU, je 350 EUR in krije študijsko gradivo, kosila in družabne dogodke (za prevoz do Benetk in namestitev morajo udeleženci poskrbeti sami).
Kratek opis programa:
The summer school on Migration and Gender offers a legal-literary approach to the ways in which migration influences gender. The course will discuss both this idea, and reversing the formula, it will examine the role of migration in shaping gender, understood as relational and performative. The course will model the ways in which the humanities and the imagination might inform legal processes or contour legal decisions. A particular focus will be on identity in relation to human rights and law, labor and culture. This summer school is particularly timely in this moment of history in which migration is transforming societies and shaping gender.
Rok prijave: 25. januar 2022
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