Vabilo k udeležbi na mladinski konferenci Model European Union Strasbourg (MEUS) 2022

Organizatorji mladinske konference Model European Union Strasbourg (MEUS) 2022 vabijo vse zainteresirane študente naše fakultete, da se jim pridružijo na dogodku, ki bo potekal med 7. in 12. novembrom 2022.

Prijave zbirajo do 5. septembra 2022.

Več informacij najdete v spodnjem vabilu.

MEUS is a youth conference that has taken place every year since 2007 in the seat of the European Parliament in Strasbourg. It gathers roughly 200 young people who take on the roles of MEPs, Ministers, Commissioners, Interest Representatives, Journalists, and Interpreters to debate two recent legislative proposals from the European Commission in a week-long simulation of the EU legislative process.

MEUS has inspired numerous local MEU simulations across Europe from Lisbon, through Glasgow, Paris, Warsaw, and Zagreb to Sofia, teaching young people not only about the EU but also taking initiative and responsibility, building relations for their organizations, standing up for their cause and standing up for their team members. MEUS has also created a community of alumni. Each year we get multiple candidates per spot, which means that we have the chance to choose very motivated and committed participants.The excellent participants that we select every year come from various fields: from law and European studies, through economics and public policy, to technical universities. Most of our participants are Bachelor students, yet to choose their MA studies. According to our data, MEUS happens to be an important factor in their choice of a Master’s degree, that adds the policy factor to their interests and influences their university career.
Over the years, we have been cooperating with several universities, such as Université Paris 1 - Sorbonne, the Charles University in Prague and the University of Warsaw. This year we would like to offer you, the Law Department of the University of Ljubljana, the chance to cooperate with us as well!

MEUS 2022 applications  are open until 5th September 2022 and the simulation will take place from 7th to 12th November 2022.

Here is the link to apply: