Vabilo za sodelovanje študentov na tekmovanju "Allen & Overy - NLU Jodhpur International Deal Negotiation Competition" v Jodhpurju (Radžastan, Indija)
Iz National Law University v Jodhpurju (Indija) so tudi študente naše fakultete povabili k sodelovanju na tekmovanju z naslovom "Allen & Overy - NLU Jodhpur International Deal Negotiation Competition", ki se bo odvijala med 10. in 12. marcem 2023 v Jodhpurju.
Spodaj in v pripeti datoteki najdete opis tekmovanja.
Zainteresirane študentke in študente vabimo, da se z najavo interesa za sodelovanje pri takem tekmovanju do ponedeljka, 16. januarja 2023, javijo asistentki Luciji Strojan na e-naslov:
This novel format of an Alternative Dispute Resolution Competition will be one of its kind, in that it focuses on real-life simulations of deal negotiations, a relevant skill to nurture in the growing corporate legal profession.
The competition will be hosting teams from all around the world including teams from Europe, Asia-pacific region, Africa, North America to name a few, allowing participants a rare opportunity to interact and network with their students in a truly multicultural setting. Students will showcase their negotiation skills in a non-contentious environment, and will be expected to balance the needs of the business with what the business has to offer to the other party. Apart from negotiation sessions, the Competition will also include training sessions on negotiation by Allen & Overy's experienced lawyers, designed to assist participants develop key skills for a career in commercial law and an international transactional environment.
Registration for the event shall take place on a rolling basis. Consequently, we advise all interested universities to provisionally register their slots at the earliest or latest by January 20th, 2022. Further details about completing the registration process shall be communicated to participating colleges once their registration is confirmed.
We are attaching the brochure of the competition for your perusal.
Further details about the Competition are available on our website.
Spodaj in v pripeti datoteki najdete opis tekmovanja.
Zainteresirane študentke in študente vabimo, da se z najavo interesa za sodelovanje pri takem tekmovanju do ponedeljka, 16. januarja 2023, javijo asistentki Luciji Strojan na e-naslov:
This novel format of an Alternative Dispute Resolution Competition will be one of its kind, in that it focuses on real-life simulations of deal negotiations, a relevant skill to nurture in the growing corporate legal profession.
The competition will be hosting teams from all around the world including teams from Europe, Asia-pacific region, Africa, North America to name a few, allowing participants a rare opportunity to interact and network with their students in a truly multicultural setting. Students will showcase their negotiation skills in a non-contentious environment, and will be expected to balance the needs of the business with what the business has to offer to the other party. Apart from negotiation sessions, the Competition will also include training sessions on negotiation by Allen & Overy's experienced lawyers, designed to assist participants develop key skills for a career in commercial law and an international transactional environment.
Registration for the event shall take place on a rolling basis. Consequently, we advise all interested universities to provisionally register their slots at the earliest or latest by January 20th, 2022. Further details about completing the registration process shall be communicated to participating colleges once their registration is confirmed.
We are attaching the brochure of the competition for your perusal.
Further details about the Competition are available on our website.