Blejski strateški forum vabi k udeležbi na serijah okroglih miz "Overture to the Future"

Ekipa Blejskega strateškega foruma (BSF) vabi na prvi dogodek v okviru serije okroglih miz pod naslovom Uverture to the Future.

V četrtek, 18. marca 2021, ob 17:30, bo potekala prva diskusija z naslovom Young Voices on the Future of Europe: Conversation with State Secretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, and Clément Beaune, Minister of State for European Affairs of the French Republic.

Študentje in drugi mladi udeleženci bodo imeli možnost postaviti vprašanja govorcema, obenem pa jima bodo lahko predstavili svoje mnenje o prihodnosti Evrope.

Več podrobnosti o dogodku:

What are the defining issues of our time and how should Europe respond to them? These two questions will guide the Conference on the Future of Europe. The Conference, starting on May 9, will be a discussion forum where the citizens of Europe will have a chance to have their say on how the European Union should look like in the future. The scope of the answers is up to the Conference's participants - European citizens. They will address the issues that matter to them - whether that is building resilience in the health sector, climate change, economy, social fairness, equality and solidarity, digital transformation, European rights and values, migration challenges, security, EU's role in the world or functioning of the EU and its institutions.

Prior to the launch of the long-awaited Conference on the Future of Europe, Bled Strategic Forum is organizing a series of roundtable discussions under the title: Overture to the Future. Since young Europeans will be at the center of the Conference on the Future of Europe, the BSF series will open with discussion: Young Voices on the Future of Europe: Conversation with State Secretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia, and Clément Beaune, Minister of State for European Affairs of the French Republic
At the event, young participants will have the opportunity to present their views on the future of Europe as well as question speakers on their views.
The discussion will take place on Thursday, March 18, at 17:30.

  • Mr Gašper Dovžan, State Secretary at Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Slovenia
  • Mr Clément Beaune, Minister of State for European Affairs of the French Republic
Moderated by:
  • Amb. Iztok Mirošič, BSF Director of Programmes

Please join us via Zoom at the link below:


The debate will be recorded and in English.

Registration will be possible for a limited number of participants. All those who will not be able to participate via zoom platform will be able watch live discussion on
BSF Facebook or YouTube profile.