EUTOPIA Impact School

 EUTOPIA Impact School za doktorske študente ali podoktorske raziskovalce

 Impact School zveze EUTOPIA bo potekala od 9. do 13. septembra 2024 v Berlinu v Nemčiji. Vsaka partnerska univerza zveze EUTOPIA lahko nominira 3 doktorske študente ali podoktorske raziskovalce.

 Tema EUTOPIA Impact School 2024 je Science Communication, specifically storytelling and presentation techniques. Na petdnevni spletni delavnici bodo udeleženci delali na lastnih znanstvenih besedilih, se usposabljali s pomočjo tehnik predstavitev in pripovedovanja zgodb. Vsak udeleženec bo imel priložnost svoje raziskave predstaviti mednarodnemu občinstvu v kratki predstavitvi. EUTOPIA Impact school je odlična priložnost za raziskovalce na začetku kariere katerega koli znanstvenega področja.

 Udeleženci Impact School lahko pričakujejo zanimivo usposabljanje in prispevke na temo znanstvenega komuniciranja:

  • Pod strokovnim vodstvom bodo ciljno delali na svojih znanstvenih besedilih ter se naučili tehnik pripovedovanja zgodb in predstavitev.
  • Trenirali bodo potrebne veščine za predstavitev svoje raziskovalne teme v različnih akademskih in neakademskih situacijah.
  • Imeli bodo tudi priložnost preizkusiti dragocena pravila za komuniciranje s širokim občinstvom in razviti svoje rešitve.
  • Na koncu vsi udeleženci oblikujejo svoj »pitch« o svojih raziskovalnih projektih in ga predstavijo skupini.
  • Poleg usposabljanj je za udeležence predviden tudi prosti čas za pisanje, v katerem bodo lahko pripravljali svoje članke in objave.

 Organizator bo pokril stroške namestitve in prehrane. Stroške prevoza pokrije Univerza v Ljubljani.

 Rok za prijavo je petek, 26. 4. 2024. Za prijavo pošljite akademski CV v angleščini ter krajše motivacijsko pismo (okoli 500 besed) na


 EUTOPIA Impact School for doctoral and postdoctoral candidates

 EUTOPIA Impact School will be held from between 9 and 13 September 2024 in Berlin, Germany. Each EUTOPIA partner university will select up to 3 doctoral or postdoctoral candidates.

 Impact School 2024 is dedicated to the topic of Science Communication, specifically storytelling and presentation techniques. During a five-day in-person workshop, participants will work specifically on their own scientific texts and train storytelling and presentation techniques. Every participant then will have the opportunity to present their research to an international audience in a short pitch. This is a great opportunity for early career researchers from all disciplines to make their research more visible. 

 Every day of the workshop the participants can expect exciting training and input on the topic of science communication.

  • Under professional guidance, they will work purposefully on specific scientific texts and learn storytelling and presentation techniques.
  • They will train the necessary skills to present their own research topic in a variety of academic and non-academic situations.
  • They will also have the opportunity to try out valuable rules for communicating with a broad audience and develop your solutions.
  • Finally, all participants will create their pitch about their research projects and present it to the group.
  • In addition to the training sessions, free writing time is planned for participants to work on their articles and publications.

 Participation, accommodation and meals (full board) are covered by the organizing institution. The travel cost will be covered by the University of Ljubljana.

 Application deadline is Friday, 26 April 2024. To apply, please send us your academic CV in English and a short motivation letter (approx. 500 words) to .