Vabilo na doktorsko poletno šolo Zveze raziskovalnih univerz (League of European Research Universities - LERU), ki bo od 22. do 27. junija 2025 v Københavnu.

 Spoštovane doktorske študentke in študenti,

vabimo vas k prijavi na doktorsko poletno šolo Zveze raziskovalnih univerz (League of European Research Universities  - LERU), ki bo od 22. do 27. junija 2025 v Københavnu.

Poletna doktorska šola je letni dogodek, katerega cilj je doktorandom in doktorandkam zagotoviti dodatne priložnosti za strokovni in osebni razvoj. Z ustvarjanjem izjemnega in resnično mednarodnega, interkulturnega in interdisciplinarnega srečanja nadarjenih mladih umov doktorska šola ustvarja izjemno stimulativno učno izkušnjo, ki ima dolgoročno vrednost za bodočo kariero udeležencev.

Tema naslednje poletne doktorske šole bo Umetna inteligenca v univerzitetnih disciplinah – perspektive in praktične izkušnje. V prilogi osnutek programa.

Udeleženci z univerz, ki so članice mreže LERU-CE7, vključno z Univerzo v Ljubljani, so oproščeni plačila kotizacije v višini 600 EUR, ki vključuje študijski material, namestitev v univerzitetnih domovih, obroke na družabnih dogodkih in družabni program.

Potne stroške in morebitne dodatne družabne aktivnosti krijejo študenti sami.


  • Na doktorsko šolo se prijavite tako, da pošljete motivacijsko pismo ter življenjepis (oboje v angleščini) na elektronski naslov najkasneje do vključno 10. januarja 2025.
  • Naslov zadeve sporočila: Prijava na doktorsko poletno šolo LERU
  • Sporočilo naj vsebuje tudi podatke skladno s spodnjim seznamom:

First name:

Last name:

Female or male:




Year of study:

Title of your PhD Project:


Lep pozdrav,

Univerzitetna služba za doktorski študij / Doktorska šola UL




Dear doctoral students,

You are invited to apply for the League of European Research Universities  (LERU) Doctoral Summer School, which will be held in Copenhagen from 22 to 27 June 2025.

The Doctoral Summer School is an annual event aiming to provide doctoral candidates with additional professional and personal development opportunities. By creating an exceptional and truly international, intercultural and interdisciplinary meeting of bright young minds, the Doctoral Summer School creates a highly stimulating learning experience which is of long-lasting value to the participants’ future career.

The theme for the next Doctoral Summer School will be Artificial Intelligence across University Disciplines – Perspectives and Hands-on Experience. A draft program is attached.

Participants from universities that are members of the LERU-CE7 network, including the University of Ljubljana, are exempt from the 600 EUR participation fee, which includes course materials, ‘university dorms’ accommodation, meals at social occasions and a social programme.

Participants will have to cover travel to and from Copenhagen, as well as any additional social activities undertaken.


  • To apply for the doctoral summer school, please send a motivation letter and CV (both in English) to  no later than 10 January 2025.
  • Subject: Application for the LERU Doctoral Summer School
  • The email should include the following information:

First name:

Last name:





Year of study:

Title of your PhD Project:


Kind regards,

University Office for Doctoral Study / Doctoral School