Volume 71 (2011)
Zbornik znanstvenih razprav – Volume 71 (2011)ISSN (print edition): 1854-3839
ISSN (spletna izdaja): 2464-0077
Contents: PDF
Meta Ahtik, Zrinka Erent Sunko, Ozren Pilipović
State and Sovereignty in the Era of Globalisation: Role of Regional Economic Integrations with Special Emphasis on the European Union
Država in suverenost v dobi globalizacije: vloga regionalnih ekonomskih integracij s posebnim poudarkom na Evropski uniji
The concept of economic sovereignty has become increasingly important in the last decades. It is viewed as the ability of state to promote growth and development by using monetary, fiscal, trading and industrial policy while at the same time taking into consideration the exogenous factors (world market conditions, etc). By joining different types of regional economic integrations (REI) states give up some components of their economic sovereignty and transfer them to REI in order to promote economic development and growth. The aim of this article is to identify different parts of economic sovereignty which are lost or being limited by membership in different types of REI. Cases of European Union and euro area are being analysed in detail.
Key words:
economic sovereignty, regional economic integrations (REI), transfer of economic sovereignty to REI, EU and national economic sovereignty.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Ahtik, Meta, Erent Sunko, Zrinka, Pilipović, Ozren: Država in suverenost v dobi globalizacije: vloga regionalnih ekonomskih integracij s posebnim poudarkom na Evropski uniji,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 39 – 68, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_ahtik_sunko_pilipovic.pdf
Matjaž Ambrož
The limits of aiding and abetting in Criminal law
Pomoč in njene meje v kazenskem pravu
The article analyses aiding and abetting as a form of participation in criminal law. Firstly, the attention is paid to the time-limits of aiding and abetting, which, according to the author, have to be defined narrowly, and must not be stretched over the formal completion of the act. Another crucial question is delimitation of aiding and abetting and co-perpetration. The author argues that aiding and abetting can be, however, it must not be a necessary precondition for success of the act. In this respect he critically analyses some judicial decisions in which typical acts of aiding and abetting are held for co-perpetration, since they are deemed as necessary precondition for the criminal offence. Finally, the article addresses sentencing, where the author pleads for obligatory reduction of punishment in cases of aiding and abetting.
Key words:
participation, aiding and abetting, instigation, coperpetration, culpability, intent.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Ambrož, Matjaž: Pomoč in njene meje v kazenskem pravu,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 69 – 92, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_ambroz.pdf
Primož Gorkič
The Defendant's Capacity to Stand Trial in Criminal Procedure
Razpravna sposobnost obdolženca v kazenskem postopku
The issue of the defendant's capacity to stand trial has long been neglected in the Slovenian law of criminal procedure. Although courts regularly decide on this issue, the rules are far from clear, given the lack of statutory basis and a lack of a systematic theoretical analysis. This paper attempts to fill the latter void by analysing rules on the capacity to stand trial from a comparative perspective, using theory and relevant case-law.
Key words:
criminal procedure, defendant, capacity to stand trial, right to defend oneself.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Gorkič, Primož: Razpravna sposobnost obdolženca v kazenskem postopku,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 93 – 116, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_gorkic.pdf
Peter Grilc
(Development) of the Relationship between the Fundamental Rights and Economic Freedoms and Competition Rules in EU law
(Razvoj) razmerja med temeljnimi pravicami in svoboščinami ter temeljnimi ekonomskimi svoboščinami ter pravili o konkurenci v pravu EU
The article discusses the development of the relationship between fundamental rights and freedoms and fundamental economic freedoms and competition rules in the community law. In this context the development and recent changes in the primary competition law are analysed as well. Primary sources of community law have not been significantly changed in and since the Lisbon documents. The central question remains the impact of human rights on interpretation and the use of economic freedoms. The analysis starts with the first period with the focus on economic component. The central part of the article is the analysis of decisions in which human rights influenced importantly on the economic freedom; the analysis is based on judgments in ERT via Connolly and Schmidberger to Omega. Finally decisions postOmega since 2005 are dealt with.
Key words:
fundamental rights, human rights, economic freedoms, EU Law, competition, ECJ, jurisprudence.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Grilc, Peter: (Razvoj) razmerja med temeljnimi pravicami in svoboščinami ter temeljnimi ekonomskimi svoboščinami ter pravili o konkurenci v pravu EU,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 117 – 142, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_grilc.pdf
Mirjam Škrk
Sources of International Criminal law
Viri mednarodnega kazenskega prava
International criminal law (ICL) is a relatively new legal discipline which is in the view of the authoress closely related to public international law. The underlying reason for this assumption lies in the fact that three inherent international criminal courts are functioning in the international community, namely the two ad hoc tribunals for former Yugoslavia (ICTY) and Rwanda (ICTR) and the International Criminal Court (ICC). The case–law of these courts proves that international law as part of ICL prevails in their proceedings. Therefore Article 38 (I) of the International Court of Justice has been used as a starting point to analyze the sources of ICL. Although this provision is helpful as far as it concerns the categorization of the main sources (treaties, rules of customary international law, general principles of law) and the subsidiary ones (case–law, legal theory), it has its deficiencies when applied in the ICL. Namely, the main preoccupation of the ICL is the criminal accountability of individuals for the most heinous crimes. Therefore, the principle of legality must prevail in the ICL. One of the shortcomings of the Statutes of the ICTY and ICTR is the absence of the rule on sources. This was overcome by the Rome Statute of the ICC which contains the provision on applicable law in Article 21.
Key words:
international law, international criminal law (ICL), sources of international (criminal) law, international criminal courts.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Škrk, Mirjam: Viri mednarodnega kazenskega prava,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 143 – 175, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_skrk.pdf
Luka Tičar
A New Conception of Economic Dependence as a Possible Factor in Personal Scope of Labour Law
Nova koncepcija ekonomske odvisnosti kot možen dejavnik osebne veljavnosti delovnega prava
The author wishes to first clearly define the concept of economic dependence as understood by the more recent theory of labour law and the ILO. He therefore appropriately allocates the notion of economic dependence to the theoretical employment relationship concept and distinguishes it from it. The author then deals with many legal and theoretical questions regarding the role of national legislation regarding economic dependence, highlighting the possibility that economic dependency is regarded as an independent definable element of an employment relationship and the possibility that economic dependency is recognised merely as a factor ensuring the labour law protection. After a detailed analysis of possible solutions and impacts, the author finds the second method to be more appropriate, at least for the Slovenian system of labour legislation.
Key words:
employment relationship, personal subordination, economic dependence, self-employment, elements of employment relationship, factor of ensuring labour law protection.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Tičar, Luka: Nova koncepcija ekonomske odvisnosti kot možen dejavnik osebne veljavnosti delovnega prava,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 175 – 204, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_ticar.pdf
Andreja Tratnik
Introducing Plea Bargaining to Slovenian Criminal Procedure: Selected Issues
Nekateri pomisleki ob uvajanju pogajanj o priznanju krivde v slovenski kazenski postopek
One of the main features of the latest proposed amendment to the Slovenian Code of Criminal Procedure is the introduction of plea bargaining where the prosecutor offers to the defendant a reduced sentence in exchange of his guilty plea. Even though plea bargaining brings obvious advantages to the criminal procedure (the defendant is punished leniently, prosecutor assures the conviction, whereas the court is disburdened of numerous criminal cases and lastly, the elimination of backlog of court cases has benefits for the general public), there are also serious doubts about this method as a proper and just way of solving criminal cases. The article describes some legal, psychological and sociological concerns and the conclusion is reached that without the change of philosophical foundation of Slovenian criminal procedure (from state-oriented crime prosecution to consensual way of solving criminal cases) and unless these concerns are adequately addressed, a serious doubt that plea bargaining is appropriate way of solving criminal cases will remain.
Key words:
plea bargaining, right to fair trial, right to public trial, separation of prosecution and adjudication, coercion, legitimacy of plea bargaining, guilty plea, sentence reduction, speeding up criminal procedure, abolition of criminal procedure.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Tratnik, Andreja: Nekateri pomisleki ob uvajanju pogajanj o priznanju krivde v slovenski kazenski postopek,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 205 – 236, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_tratnik.pdf
Katarina Zajc, Luka Markelj
Economic and legal aspects of on-line Gambling – why Monopoly might be better than Competition
Ekonomski in pravni pogled na prirejanje spletnih iger na srečo – zakaj je monopol lahko boljši kot prosti trg
Together with the development of technology, the on-line gambling expanded all over the world, together with hunger for income and unfortunate appearance of negative effects connected with gambling – negative externalities. With high incomes and big negative externalities the question arises whether or not and to what extent the regulation of internet gambling is beneficial. The article first discusses EU and Slovenian regulation of internet gambling by discussing the European Court of Justice cases in the gambling field and the adherence of Slovenian regulation to the ECJ decisions. The second part of the article examines the economic rationale of ECJ gambling decisions and concludes that the ECJ decisions make economic sense, since they intend to increase the welfare in society. The article concludes that the monopoly in the internet gambling sector might be more beneficial for the economy than the competition.
Key words:
competition, monopoly, on-line gambling, European Court of Justice, efficiency.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Zajc, Katarina, Markelj, Luka: Ekonomski in pravni pogled na prirejanje spletnih iger na srečo – zakaj je monopol lahko boljši kot prosti trg,
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 237 – 258, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_zajc_markelj.pdf
Sabina Zgaga
The Defence of Superior order in International Criminal law
Odgovornost za mednarodno hudodelstvo, izvršeno na ukaz nadrejenega
International criminal law has developed different responses to dilemma of superior order (the theory of absolute liability, respondeat superior, act of state doctrine, mens rea theory, or theory of limited liability). The proposed upgraded mens rea theory claims that the superior order can be used only as the factual basis for the determination of other defences; mistake, necessity and duress. One argument for this theory is that none of the other theories is complete. They do not cover all the facts of the potential cases. A mistake of law remains relevant, but according to its general rules. The same applies for the use of rules of necessity or duress. However, a very important question is, whether this theory can be applied at the international legal level. In national systems defences have been developed and there is no problem. At the international level, however, the general part of international criminal law has been neglected and left to the practice courts until recently.
Key words:
justification, excuse, international crime, criminal responsibility, responsibility of the subordinate, superior order.
Full text (in Slovenian with English summary): PDF
Cite as:
Zgaga, Sabina: Odgovornost za mednarodno hudodelstvo, izvršeno na ukaz nadrejenega
in: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 71 (2011), pp. 258 – 291, URL: www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2011_zgaga.pdf
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, Volume 71 (2011), was published with the financial assistance of the Slovenian Book Agency.