Volume 79 (2019)
Zbornik znanstvenih razprav – Volume 79 (2019)ISSN (print edition): 1854-3839
ISSN (online edition): 2464-0077
Contents: PDF
Roberto Garetto
Vpliv večkulturnih vprašanj na pojem družinskega člana
The Impact of Multicultural Issues on the Notion of “Family Member”
Celotno besedilo (v angleščini s slovenskim povzetkom): PDF
Garetto, Roberto: The Impact of Multicultural Issues on the Notion of “Family Member”,
v: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 79 (2019) , str. 7-22, URL: http://www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2019_garetto.pdf
Jurisdiction and Efficiency in Protection of Matrimonial Property Rights
Pristojnost in učinkovitost pri varstvu pravic skupnega premoženja
Celotno besedilo (v angleščini s slovenskim povzetkom): PDF
Gasperini, Maria Pia: Jurisdiction and Efficiency in Protection of Matrimonial Property Rights,
v: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 79 (2019) , str. 23 – 40, URL: http://www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2019_gasperini.pdf
Marjan Kos
Pomembnost nacionalne identitete v pravu Evropske unije in možnost njene instrumentalizacije
The Relevance of National Identity in European Union Law and Its Potential for Instrumentalisation
Celotno besedilo (v angleščini s slovenskim povzetkom): PDF
Kos, Marjan: The Relevance of National Identity in European Union Law and Its Potential for Instrumentalisation,
v: Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, 79 (2019) , str. 41 – 69, URL: http://www.pf.uni-lj.si/media/zzr2019_kos.pdf
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License.
Zbornik znanstvenih razprav, Volume 79 (2019), was published with the financial assistance of the Slovenian Research Agency.