Department of Civil Law

The Department of Civil Law is the largest Department on the Faculty. It covers all areas from civil law, commercial law, family law and civil procedure. Its research activity is open and includes several projects and expert opinions for third parties. Its members are distinguished slovenian legal experts, writers of many scientific works, published both at home and abroad, who follow the tradition of many distinguished and important legal scholars such as: Stanko Lapajne, Jurij Štempihar, Jože Juhart. Stojan Cigoj, Alojzij Finžgar, Stojan Pretnar.

 Its numerous courses are taught in second, third and fourth year of the graduate study.  The core of the programe are classic civil law courses which are supplemented in the fourth year by several more specialzed courses. Their content carefully combines theoretical and practical knowledge, paying special attention to actual developments in politics and society. Law of the European Communities is a good example of such an approach.

 The postgraduate study is aimed at in-depth study of basic courses. Students are expected to enrich already aquired knowledge with complex analysis of both domestic and international actual developments. The words of Professor Cigoj vividly ilustrate such approach: »The subject of the courses on postgraduate level are topics which stand out: These are topics which are actual and mastered by professor in all their complexity«. This tought is our guideline for implementation of the program. We will do our best to make it work. Other foreign experts will be invited as well.

The Head of the Department is Associate Professor Gregor Dugar.

Contact University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Law

Poljanski nasip 2
SI-1000 Ljubljana
+ 386 1 42 03 100 + 386 1 42 03 115